I have decided it is about time I started eating healthy and trying to tone up my belly, When giving birth to DJ I tore my stomach muscles and was told I would not get my stomach back to the way it was before my pregnancy, I didn't but I managed to tone up quite well, Whilst pregnant with Ruby I put on nearly 3stone and went from being a size 8 to a size 16, I have lost most of the weight since having her, (Only taken me 17months) but have been left with what I call a jelly belly. I am 8stone 8, Yes this isn't fat or over weight to some people, But for my height I am over weight, This does not really bother me much, What does bother me is the belly and the way is hangs over some of my clothes, making me occasionally look like I'm still pregnant, Which I have to admit gets me down sometimes and because of this I lack in confidence, Also the fact that I don't eat well at all, and don't do much exercise except chasing/playing with the kids, and some walking when the weather is nice doesn't really help.
So my plan is that as of Tuesday 17th April when I do my next lot of shopping is to buy more healthy food and snacks and start eating better, I am also going to start going to the gym and do some more walking. My hopes are that by the summer I will of toned my belly so that I don't look as though I'm pregnant, I would also like to lose 8lbs and get down to my ideal weight of 8stone, So here I am going to write about how well I'm doing, slip ups I have, what I'm eating, and hopefully by July 2012 I will of lost the weight and toned up and gained my confidence back.
Here is a picture of my belly that I have only just taken before writing this, some of you who read this may think that it doesn't look bad, but to me it does, I don't like the way it makes me feel, I hate the fact I have lost most of my confidence, I want to feel like a yummy mummy again.
If anyone has any tips please do share with me.
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